Net Zero Wales for a Net Zero World

Professor Dave Worsley tells us how SWITCH will help deliver a net zero society



SWITCH is coming together to help accelerate the decarbonisation of industry and society across south Wales.

We are bringing together established partnerships across academia, industry and government, making it easy to connect with the right people, skills and facilities.

We have developed regional strength over decades of multi-disciplinary research collaborating across institutions, working closely with industry, and engaging with government and the population.



Wales has a history of innovation.

SWITCH partners have developed expertise in decarbonisation research. We are delivering the research needed to reach net zero. Our projects are generating economic value and addressing the future well-being of our partners and society.



We are bringing together people with passion, experience and expertise.

SWITCH has the capacity and the capability in existing projects such as FLEXIS, SERC and SaMI.  By connecting this regional innovation ecosystem, we are supporting the necessary industrial transformation through research, training and industrial-scale demonstrators.

And through international research such as the SUNRISE project we are part of a global net zero network.



Our collective of net zero research experts are delivering economic value and well-being for our partners and society.

We are delivering practical solutions for our industry partners across established projects such as SUSTAIN and SPECIFIC.

Our successful skills and training academies M2A and Metals are continuously expanding, developing people, organisations, and a net zero workforce.



SWITCH research activity will continue focusing on the difficult to decarbonise sectors of energy and heating, transport and manufacturing.

Working alongside our partners in industry and government, together we will address the global challenge of decarbonisation and net zero.


February 2022

Dave Worsley is head of Head of Materials Science and Engineering at Swansea University and the SWITCH founder